Benedict Wilmes


Skeletal Anchorage in Orthodontics

Skeletal anchorage, especially with mini-implants, has broadened the treatment options in orthodontics significantly. Their small size allows mini-implants to be inserted in a variety of sites. Currently, the alveolar process is the most preferred insertion site. However, due to the varying bone quality and the risk of root contact, the survival rate of implants inserted in the alveolar ridge still needs improvement. Additionally, there is a risk of root damage if mini-implants are inserted in the alveolar ridge. Other regions, such as the anterior palate provide much better conditions for mini-implant insertion, since the amount and quality of the available bone is far superior. Utilizing TAD´s in the anterior palate eliminates the risk of root injury and takes the implants out of the path of tooth movement. The design of different mechanics provides the orthodontist with a skeletal anchorage system that integrates easily into clinical practice and allows treatment of cases that were difficult or impossible to treat previously.
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